Unlocking the Power of Recommender Systems

Idrissa Tankari
3 min readJust now


In today’s digital age, recommender systems have become essential in shaping personalized user experiences, from e-commerce platforms to streaming services. As I’ve dived deeper into understanding how these systems work, I’ve discovered the complexity and innovation behind them. Here’s a breakdown of the key insights I’ve gathered.

What Makes a Good Recommender System?

Several factors determine the effectiveness of a recommender system beyond simply suggesting items users might like:

  1. Relevance: A good recommender system provides highly relevant recommendations to the user. For example, if a female shopper constantly browses women’s shoes, the system should recommend women’s footwear. This might seem like the most crucial factor, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg.
  2. Novelty: Users don’t want to see recommendations for items they’ve already encountered. Offering something new yet relevant keeps the user engaged and adds value. A system that only suggests popular or familiar items fails to innovate.
  3. Serendipity: This is the magic of surprise. A great recommender system occasionally suggests something unexpected that still aligns with a user’s taste. It can delight users by uncovering hidden gems — think of it as recommending running sandals to someone who frequently buys running shoes.
  4. Diversity: Sometimes, variety is vital. Recommender systems that suggest a range of products — like shoes, socks, and shoe care items — are more likely to find something the user will appreciate rather than sticking to a single category.
  5. Technical Complexity: Simplicity often wins. While the algorithms behind recommender systems can be highly complex, keeping the system manageable and interpretable reduces costs and technical risks.

Types of Recommender Systems

Recommender systems fall into three main categories, each offering unique strengths:

  1. Collaborative Filtering: This method relies on user ratings and assumes that users with similar tastes will enjoy similar products. For example, if User A and User B both liked product X, and User A also liked product Y, the system might recommend product Y to User B.
  2. Content-based Filtering: This approach uses data about user preferences and item attributes to predict what the user will like. It’s akin to traditional machine learning models and works well when explicit user preferences are known.
  3. Knowledge-based Systems: These are used when there’s limited data available. They rely on programmed rules based on user preferences and domain expertise. While important, these systems aren’t covered in depth in this module.

Understanding User Preferences: The Ratings Matrix

A crucial step in building a recommender system is creating a mathematical representation of user preferences. This is typically done using a ratings matrix, where rows represent users, columns represent items, and each cell contains a rating given by a user for a particular item. Ratings can be explicit (direct user feedback) or implicit (inferred from actions like purchases).

  • Explicit Ratings: These are ideal but often hard to obtain, as users might need to rate items more consistently.
  • Implicit Ratings: These are more readily available, capturing actions such as clicks or purchases. However, they lack the granular detail of explicit ratings, which can affect the quality of recommendations.

Collaborative Filtering in Action

Within collaborative filtering, two primary approaches can be used:

  • Memory-based Methods: These focus on finding similar users (user-user filtering) or similar items (item-item filtering). For example, if two users have similar tastes, the system can recommend products one user likes to the other.
  • Model-based Methods: These use advanced techniques like matrix factorization, where the system predicts ratings by modeling users and items as vectors. This allows for more efficient, scalable recommendations by breaking down the ratings matrix into smaller, more manageable components.

The Art of Data Transformation

Like any machine learning model, recommender systems benefit from data preprocessing. A common technique is ratings normalization, which adjusts each user’s ratings based on their unique rating style. For instance, some users might give five stars freely, while others reserve top ratings only for exceptional experiences. Normalization ensures that these differences don’t skew the recommendations.

Conclusion: The Future of Recommender Systems

The more I’ve learned about recommender systems, the more apparent it’s become that their potential goes far beyond simple product suggestions. The ability to balance relevance, novelty, serendipity, and diversity while managing technical complexity defines the best systems. As more data becomes available and algorithms evolve, recommender systems will continue shaping the digital experiences we enjoy daily.



Idrissa Tankari

Data Scientist with 8+ years of experience in Marketing, Accounting and Finance.